Distinction between the terms accomplish and achieve

公開日: 2023-01-05
更新日: 2023-07-28

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“Accomplish” vs “Achieve”

They can be used interchangeably for the most part, but achieve is used more for when you’ve reached a goal, and accomplish is for when you’ve finished a task.

Def: Accomplish

“Accomplish” refers to successfully completing a task, goal, or objective. It emphasizes the act of completing something with skill, effort, or determination. When you accomplish something, you are focusing on the specific action or task that has been carried out to completion.

If you successfully finish a coding project, you can say that you have accomplished the task of coding the project.


  • The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.
  • That’s it. Mission accomplished(= we have done what we aimed to do).
  • The data scientist was able to accomplish the data cleaning and preprocessing phase, which involved handling missing values and standardizing the dataset.
  • He accomplished the task, but it took him twice as long as everyone else.

Def: Achieve

“Achieve” is broader in scope than “accompish”. It means reaching a desired goal, outcome, or result. When you achieve something, you have succeeded in attaining a specific objective, often after putting in a series of actions or efforts.

If you set out to create a software application and you successfully complete and launch the application, you can say that you have achieved your goal of creating the application.


  • The data science team achieved a significant milestone by improving the model’s accuracy from 80% to 95% through rigorous feature engineering and algorithm optimization.
  • The data science team worked diligently to achieve a predictive accuracy of 95% in their fraud detection model
  • Their background gives them little chance of achieving at school.
  • She achieved her goals despite facing many challenges along the way.

Tips for avoiding common mistakes

you might say that you accomplished a lot of work today, but you achieved your goal of finishing a project. Using “accomplish” in the latter case would be incorrect.

It’s not necessarily wrong but it’s better to say that you accomplished a lot of work instead of “you achieved a lot of work”.

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