Granular: being able to manipulate individual elements or settings

公開日: 2023-02-02

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When did I come across the word “granular”?

apt vs apt-get

the “apt” command is relatively newer compared to “apt-get” and provides a more user-friendly experience. It aims to simplify package management tasks and automate certain processes. On the other hand, “apt-get” follows a more traditional approach and provides more granular control over the package management process.

What does the word granular mean in a programming context?

In programming, the term “granular” refers to the level of detail or specificity in which something can be controlled or manipulated. It signifies the ability to break down or manipulate components at a fine-grained level.

In the context of programing, having granular control means being able to manipulate individual elements or settings rather than working with larger, more generalized components. It allows developers to finely tune and customize specific aspects of a program or system according to their requirements.

For example, a programming tool or interface that offers granular control might allow developers to adjust individual settings, parameters, or options at a very specific and detailed level. This level of control enables developers to have precise control over the behavior, functionality, or performance of their code or application.

Granular in a business context

In a business context, the term “granular” refers to the level of detail or specificity in which data or information is analyzed or presented. It refers to breaking down data or information into smaller, more specific units for analysis, decision-making, or reporting purposes.

Having granular data means having detailed and specific information that allows for more accurate analysis, insights, and decision-making. It involves examining data at a more detailed level rather than looking at aggregated or summarized data.

For example, in business intelligence or data analysis, working with granular data involves analyzing individual transactions, customer records, or data points rather than looking at high-level summaries or averages. This level of detail enables businesses to gain deeper insights into specific patterns, trends, or behaviors that may not be apparent at a more aggregated level.

Having granular information is particularly valuable when making strategic business decisions, identifying specific customer preferences, targeting marketing campaigns, or understanding operational inefficiencies. It allows businesses to have a more detailed understanding of their operations, customers, or markets, leading to more informed decision-making and better outcomes.


  • 日本語でいう「粒度の細かいデータ」 = “granular data”

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